If I have Yuzu's Network Interface set to "None", this " Service.LDN core\hle\service\ldn\ldn.cpp:InitializeImpl:543: No network interface is set" line gets printed in the log every once in a while. On a separate note hopefully related to this issue, I noticed something veery strange. I also had freezes while catching a Pokémon some time ago, but I haven't gotten any as of lately. This happened to me twice already while farming the Mining Duo's treasures. Core.ARM core/arm/arm_interface.cpp:LogBacktrace:99: Core.ARM core/arm/arm_interface.cpp:LogBacktrace:97: Module Name Address Original Address Offset Symbol Debug.Emulated core/hle/kernel/svc.cpp:operator():550: debug_buffer_err_code=EA01

Service.AM core/hle/service/am/am.cpp:SetTerminateResult:1531: (STUBBED) called, result=0x0000EA01 Service core/hle/service/sockets/bsd.cpp:CloseImpl:839: Close socket fd=0